Notice from KESCO for the March bills
KESCO announces that March bills will be calculated fully with new tariffs, based on the decision taken by ERO. As a result, these bills will be much simpler to understand.
Based on the decision of ERO, your consumption will be divided into two blocks, 0-800kWh and higher than 800kWh, and in two daily intervals, day and night. This data will be presented on your bill in four rubrics.
It is already known that the consumption in the first block of 0-800kWh will be billed with the same tariffs, while the consumption over 800kWh will be billed with the new tariffs. So, only the amount over this expense will be paid with the new tariff prices.
If a customer has spent a total of 900kWh, then he will pay 800kWh with the first block, where prices remain unchanged and 100kWh with high tariff, both divided between day/night consumption.
In the customer bill will be marked the first calculation with A1 / B1, which represents the high tariff, in the block up to 800kWh. So, it will be calculated as much as he spent mainly during the day, which in the winter season is from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.
While the expenses made by the customers after 22:00 until 7:00 are presented with the code A2 / B1. This represents the lowest tariff, which is convincingly the cheapest in Europe and among the cheapest in the world.
Consumption from 801kWh onwards at high tariff, for example during the day will be marked with A1 / B2, while consumption at low tariff is marked with code A2 / B2. After the reading process, the consumption per block will be calculated at the respective prices. The final bill will be calculated by adding the fixed tariff, which for household customers is 1.74 euros and VAT in the amount of 8 percent.
Based on the projected results, over 78 percent of consumers will not be affected at all by the tariff increase. This is because they have a lower monthly expense than the block-tariff.
As for those who exceed the block tariff, KESCO appeals to save maximally, to ease the burden for themselves and the country's power system in this time of crisis, when prices in the international market have reached soaring numbers.
To make it easier to read the bill and the way of calculation, we have integrated on the KESCO website an example of the bill with all the necessary explanations in visual form, which can be found at this link: