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Take eKesco whenever you go!

The eKesco app is very easy to access, easy to use and all services are FREE.

The eKesco app is very easy to access, easy to use and all services are FREE. All consumers can access the information at ANY time and from ANY country of the world, as follows:

  1.  Electricity consumption
  2. The possibility of paying electricity bills through this application
  3.  Receiving monthly electricity bills online
  4. Information on planned outages at the feeder or location that supplies your object
  5.  Information on accumulated debt and payment deadline
  6. Information on eventual disconnection due to non-payment
  7. Information on reconnecting your metering point after paying off the debt
  8.  Information on electricity prices
  9. Any other promotions offered by our company

All users of Android phones can download this application in the official PlayStore markets, while iPhone users can download it in the AppStore

More detailed information on how to register and use the eKesco mobile application can be found in the eKesco manual which you can read or download here.

Free download eKesco App